Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An Oversight as One of DPD RI’s Functions and Government Accountability to the Society at Large

The members of DPD RI are independent figures who are well known to the public in their respective provinces. DPD RI is constantly communicating with the public in the regions and local governments, and consults with experts to formulate improvements in Government’s policy and to ensure their implementations. Political party officials are forbidden to be the candidates to DPD RI selection, therefore the DPD RI members are all independent.
In order to the above mentioned facts, the DPD RI among others to do their duties to oversee the implementation of all laws, including the laws to the National Budget and Local Budget, adopted by parliament which carried out by the government (both central and local).

Building of the Parliament of Finland

Call to Action in Term of Oversight


a. Plan to allocate sufficient budget for the welfare of the people, either in the central and regional government;

b. Empower women to make welfare decision for themselves and their first than others;

c. Monitor the implementation of all laws in the central and their constituents, including their budget carried out by respective government (central and local government);

d. This is priority to the laws that supports women and children to their own families planning properly done, and;

e. If applicable ratifying the Official Development Assistance (ODA) that done between National Government/Local Government, and Foreign Donators to accelerate the eliminating the poverty.

Senator Hamdhani and Genius Umar ( center )


a. Establish a National Plan (work plan) to utilize the fund from the National Budget as well as the regions for each provinces;
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b. Invest if applicable from ODA or other resources and complimenting with National Budget for balance, and;

c. Focus on priority of need such as for mother and children, poverty eradication, education, economic development, security, environment, impact to climate change matters.


a. Take an opportunity to actively approach reciprocally with DPR RI directly or via Clearing House (Public Aspiration) in each region;

b. Promote political commitment and accountability to government;

c. Advocate for short/long term, predictable donor funding;

d. Demand that National Government increase budget for the people’s welfare, and;

e. Support their effort to provide service equitability.


a. Ensure adequate, predictable, long term aid flows;

b. Focus ODA on the higher burden regions, particularly for accelerating the implementation of MDGs;

c. Coordinate donor efforts to boost the impact of aid delivered, guided by country priorities, and;

d. Invest in better data collection and implementation of research in funding.
With other fellow Members of Parliaments

Achievement has been made due to the outcome of oversight as follows:

1. Bill on Special of Yogyakarta Region had been passed by parliament
Constructive, transparent and accountable financial relation between the central and regions had been realized. Therefore the horizontal and vertical gap of the government budget have been minimized and the levying of regional tax have been efficiently applied

2. Law number 34 of 2000 on Regional Taxation and Levies had be realized is aim to Regional Original Revenue (ROR) is the indicator of regions progress, increased gradually and therefore such an economic program pave the way contributes to the government effort to build the region
Various development programs that proceed well funded by the Regional Budget such as school building with its library and laboratory facilities, including the 7 (seven) points priorities

3. The regional government through their leaders respectively are playing an extremely vital role in answering the challenge of global energy and food crisis and as well as climate change of environment. They improve their policies to transforming challenges into concrete opportunities for the people’s enhanced well being

4. Among 199 less-developed regencies consists of 179 non-border border regencies and 20 border regencies. Currently there are 28 less-developed regencies liberated from the less-developed status followed by the end of this year another 30 regencies. Hopefully, the rest of condition will be improved for following years to be up-graded free from less-developed position

5. Budget for 2009 will be reformed following the Special Autonomy Fund for Aceh, Papua and West Papua. Therefore the General Allocation Fund is planned to be 26% of the net domestic income, and which already takes into account the subsidies for fuel oil, electricity and fertilizer, as a manifestation of sharing the pain between the Government and Region

6. Since 1 June 2005 until 20 August 2008, Indonesia had held 414 Regional Head Elections, whether it be the election of a Governor of Regent/Mayors
Coincide with the result have been reflected as the oversight done by the DPD RI, the Government has implemented MDG’s as follows:

7. Availability of the poor budget policy due to Eradicate poverty and hunger 20% of National Budget for Education was realized;

8. Women participation in politic his expected to be 30% (in DPD RI at next General Election 2009)

9. Some of public Health Services in each regency had been developed in order to reduce charge mortality and improve maternal health

10. Specified program to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other disease was also realize

11. Readiness on environmental sustainability and promote green reconstruction based on:
a. Sustainable development (socially acceptable, economically viable and environmentally sound)
b. Effective management of the natural resource
c. Effective participation of local communities and
d. Strengthened and decentralized natural resource governance


Lowongan Kalteng said...

Selamat siang pak Hamdhani, Sukses selalu untuk Anda.

Saya salut dengan perjalanan karir bapak, Jadi ngiri ^_^. Bagi Tips sukses nya dong pak. Suatu saat saya ingin menjadi seperti Bapak.

Oh ya pak titip amanah dari rekan-rekan, Saya dari web atau tolong perjuangkan nasib kaum muda yang masih belum dapat kesempatan berkarir sesuai dengan yang emreka inginkan, Agar bisa sukses Seperti Bapak.

Kalo boleh usul Video sama gambarnya jangan pasang halaman depan semua pak, Loadingnya Lama apa lagi kalo pakai Komputer Memory kecil seperti saya ^_^.

Sukses ya Pak dan Selamat berjuang di pemilu 2009

Arie Kiswandaru Sudarso said...

Sukses Slalu Pak.

Arie Kiswandaru Sudarso said...

Pak do'aku menyertai kesuksesan bapak.Jgn lupa perkebunan karet di sebrang tlng di perjuangkan


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Working Visit of Senator Hamdhani to Various Regions - 2008